LIFE With Christian Reeve | #5 High School Memories (Part 1)In part one of a two-part episode of LIFE With Christian Reeve, I provide an update on my crazy busy life and everything that's been...
Emma Grae | The Christian Reeve Podcast #186This episode has taken a while to schedule, and ironically, it's because my guest is experiencing the same problem I'm experiencing right...
Gym | The Christian Reeve Podcast #185It took about 5 months to reach my fitness goals. I set myself the goal of losing weight and getting back in shape because I had let...
Life Of A Content Creator | The Christian Reeve Podcast #184I'm terrible at keeping up with diaries and blogs. I've tried many times, but I always forget to do so. But here I am, writing about this...
Appearance On The 'Drink O'Clock' PodcastI forgot to post it here (I gotta get into the habit of doing so), so here it is! I appeared on the Drink O'Clock podcast recently, after...
Patarei PrisonIn 2018, I visited Patarei Prison in Tallinn, Estonia. Owing to a recent conversation I had with an Estonian friend about the current...
Interview With Marten KuningasRead all about Marten Kuningas' career, his band Miljardid and their latest music, and listen to his appearance on my podcast - the Chri
Why I Write PoetryIn more recent years I have become much more contemplative. I have always had a curious mind, even at a young age, but right now my mind...
First Ever Spoken Word Gig!I recently performed at a spoken word & music event in Tallinn, Estonia for the very first time! It was in a pretty quirky speakeasy bar...
Starting Out At The GymI've never had a great relationship with the gym, or exercise in general for that matter. I read somewhere recently that it takes 21 days...